Thursday, July 31, 2008

Say it with me now...

A minor quibble about the words 'blog' and 'post'.

It is incorrect to say, "I wrote a blog about that today." Unless, of course, you are insane and create new blogs for each new thought you have.

If that is true, then—you in fact did "write a blog about that."

Instead, use the word 'post'. It refers to each entry in a blog. A blog is a collection—a compendium if you will—of posts.

However, both the word 'post' and 'blog' are also verbs. It is considered epic win to say, "I blogged about 'Drinking Chai Latte's on my Macbook-Silver Colored Fixie' in a post today on my blog."

Saying, "I wrote a blog about that today is akin to saying, "I wrote a newspaper about that today."

1 comment:

E.A. said...

Oh, hey, I wrote a blog about this today. You can view it here: